What could be more satisfying than knowing that you’ve been a guiding light in someone’s life? Life is about living in such a way that others are blessed by it. Will others remember your life as one that blessed them? What will be YOUR life’s legacy?
As you consider this question, take a moment to consider Yvette’s story.
Yvette is one of thousands whose lives have been guided into a safe harbor by the love and professional care provided at Cherokee Home for Children. “My time at Cherokee Home was my saving grace,” wrote Yvette. "When I was little, my dad was hardly ever around, and every time I did see him he had a bottle in his hand. And because my mom chose worldly things, I was sent to Cherokee Home in the 7th grade. I was so upset. My dad probably didn't even know I was placed in a children's home. By the time I was in the 11th grade he finally reached out to me to tell me he was very ill, only to pass away two months later. I was full of questions, tears, brokenness, and hurt.”
But Cherokee Home was there for her.
Cherokee Home for Children has been a refuge for children of families in crisis for more than 65 years. Our services are provided at no cost to their families. Since no fees are charged, we are completely dependent on gifts from generous donors.
Today we face a challenge. Our donors are aging. Many small to medium-sized churches that have made up the backbone of our support for many years are experiencing decline or have closed. Long-term sustainability has become a major concern for us.
To help secure our future, Cherokee Home has created the Cherokee Home Sustainability Fund. With a goal of acquiring 25 million dollars in ten years, it is hoped that Cherokee Home will be enabled to guarantee its operations for generations to come.
Your legacy gift is needed to make this possible so that future children can be provided a safe and nurturing Christian home environment during times of family crisis. Gifts, whether in the form of cash, BEQUESTS, or OTHER PLANNED GIFTS, will be used to assure the sustainability of Cherokee Home for future generations of children…in perpetuity.
Today, Yvette is a dedicated Christian wife and mother sharing her story with other young people. Recently she wrote, “How amazing it is that God took what the enemy intended for evil and turned it into good!” Her life is now the legacy of others who gave generously.
Wouldn’t you like to share in a similar legacy that leads children to safety, security, and to the light of Christ? Click HERE to learn about our Lighthouse Legacy Circle and join with others who share your passion.
If you have questions or wish to let your intentions be known, please contact Marvin Whitt, Director of Development, or Shawn Hull, Executive Director, at 325-622-4201.